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in Zurich

A heart-level temple. A room us to connect with our hearts, to touch from the heart, and to experience healing.


A temple is a held space in which one can meet sensually and exchange intimacy. 

The Sensual Heart Temple focuses on the quality of the heart energy.


Many temples that I have been able to experience in the past were each strongly root chakra oriented and I lacked the connection to the heart, which did not do justice to my tantric background.


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Because Tantra wants to establish the connection between the heart and the root chakra.


This makes possible:

  • A holistic intimacy that addresses all levels of being.

  • An energetic expansion of your Lifeforce Energy to the heart and the entire chakra system

  • A healing space where old hurts and patterns can be reprogrammed through corrective experiences.

  • Nourishing encounters that bring your system into deep relaxation.

  • A feeling of arriving and being able to let go


We start the evening with a Heart Puja Encounter Circle.

We then flow into guided, sensual and energetic encounter rituals,

and then spend the second half of the evening at a Free Flow Temple.

Course Times

The evening event will take place from 7:00 p.m. to around 10:00 p.m


The event takes place either in the health room,

Obere Zäune 14 Zurich, or in the Jupiterhaus, Frankentalerstrasse 55 Zurich (please note event details for the location on the respective dates).

Energy Exchange

CHF 59.-

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tantra zürich tantra massage schweiz tantra online kurs


Sensual Heart Temple 2024

"Thank you very much for the lovely evening. You have created a wonderful space. I really appreciate how you guide it with clarity, calmness, and gentleness. The time is a bit tight, but it's alright. It's also nice to pause when things get interesting."

Upcoming Events

  • Dec 12, 2024, 7:00 p.m. – 10:30 p.m.
    Gesundungsraum, Obere Zäune 14, 8001 Zürich, Switzerland
    Ein Temple auf Herzebene- Ein Raum uns wieder mit unseren Herzen zu verbinden, vom Herzen heraus zu berühren, sowie gemeinsame Heilung zu erfahren.
  • Nov 14, 2024, 7:00 p.m. – 10:30 p.m.
    Gesundungsraum, Obere Zäune 14, 8001 Zürich, Switzerland
    Ein Temple auf Herzebene- Ein Raum uns wieder mit unseren Herzen zu verbinden, vom Herzen heraus zu berühren, sowie gemeinsame Heilung zu erfahren.
  • Oct 08, 2024, 7:00 p.m. – 10:30 p.m.
    Gesundungsraum, Obere Zäune 14, 8001 Zürich, Switzerland
    Ein Temple auf Herzebene- Ein Raum uns wieder mit unseren Herzen zu verbinden, vom Herzen heraus zu berühren, sowie gemeinsame Heilung zu erfahren.
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Ananda (Instructor)

Tantrika, tantra masseuse

Ananda is the founder of Ananda Essence and the organizer of the Tantra Festival Switzerland. With great dedication she has dedicated herself to the teachings of tantra. She has been teaching tantra in Switzerland and South Africa since 2021 and accompanies people on their personal path of transformation.

In the Sensual Tantra weekend workshops, evening events and the online course, Ananda conveys the profound philosophy, practices and rituals of tantra. Her own journey of healing has shown her the life-changing effects of tantra. From this experience she draws her passion to share this knowledge with others. For her, tantra is a spiritual path that helps us to become more present, to transform old conditioning and to discover our true essence. The result is a deeper and more nurturing connection to yourself and others.

Thanks to her training in trauma therapy, Ananda has in-depth knowledge of trauma symptoms, early warning signs and tools for regulation. This knowledge flows into her courses and creates a safe space for profound processes. For her, it is a top priority that the participants in their events feel safe and supported while they go through their individual process in this protected space.

It is Ananda's great honor and pleasure to accompany people on their personal path of growth and transformation. She is happy to be at your side to support you in exploring your inner essence and making it bloom.

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Education and Training

  • 4 cycle seminar with Aneesha from "Tantra Living and Loving" - 2016 -  Entlebuch, Switzerland

  • Tantra massage training with Aneesha from "Tantra Life and Love" - 2016 -  Switzerland

  • ISTA Level 1 - 2016 - Ängsbacka, Sweden

  • 200 Hours Yoga Teachers Training in Hatha and Ashtanga with Upaya Yoga - 2017 - India

  • Highden Mystery School- 6 week intensive training on “Soul Initiation” - 2018 - New Zealand

  • Spiritual Sexual Healing Arts Practitioner Training - 2020 - Tribal Tantra, Koh Phangan Thailand

  • Transformation week according to Robert Betz - 2015 - Germany

  • "The Work" seminar after Byron Katie - 2016 - Zurich, Switzerland

  • Access Consciousness Bars Practitioner Training - Uster, Switzerland - 2020

  • Vipassana according to Goenka - 2016, 2018 and 2019 - Sri Lanka and South Africa

  • Trauma therapy at IPW Winterthur - 2021

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